“Content marketing” is no longer a buzzword. Non-marketing people get it. Companies get it, with investment galore. But the pressure is on us—all content marketers—to hone our craft, and collectively stand at the precipice of content marketing greatness and start climbing the great wall.

But first, the bad news: There’s a lot of terrible content out there.

I’m referring to content that…

  • Has no “why” driving its creation
  • Doesn’t speak to a unique audience
  • Doesn’t line up with a stage in the customer journey
  • Is boring
  • Is just written terribly

Please don’t make me keep going!

Together, we can save the world from the proliferation of bad content. It’s our duty! And here’s why:

Great content can change the world.

That’s because great content connects with people—and isn’t that what it’s all about? People connecting with people to solve problems, to enhance experiences, to improve our customers’ lives, jobs, and livelihoods. To make the world a better, more informed place.

And it doesn’t hurt that great content drives better business results, making it imperative that we figure out how to deliver great content. See how that works?

Here’s how we’re going to get there.

  1. Get Yourself to CMC18

At this year’s Content Marketing Conference, we’ll be talking about The Art of Content Creation and The Science of Marketing Performance. Marketers can’t afford to crank content out willy-nilly. The greatest industry minds—including those of our attendees!—will get down to the business of what it takes to do content marketing effectively. And we’re going to have a heck of a lot of fun doing it.

  1. Learn what’s even newer, and next.

I’ve been sifting through the speakers’ decks to help make sure every slide and every session and every keynote delivers just what you need: insights, hacks and tactics for content marketing betterment. Period.


Come on, register today.

Get ready to change the world, one piece of great content at a time.