Brandy Lawson claims that her super power is using analogies as a teaching device—but we think it’s her keen ability to save companies (and let’s face it, their content marketers) from bad strategy. Sort of like providing shelter from a storm, or charting the course for a successful mission? OK, maybe we’ll leave the analogies to Brandy!

She’ll be presenting at #CMC18 soon enough, but here’s a quick look at her take on content marketing today:


Q: What excites you most about presenting at CMC18?
A: Getting information about Google Data Studio into the hands of the very people that need it. Reporting, while on the surface is about as interesting as watching paint dry, is actually the “secret sauce” in connecting the art of content creation to the science of marketing performance. Google Data Studio makes reporting easy, and these attendees can start using it immediately!

Q: Why is NOW the time to master content marketing?
A: Anyone following the recent Facebook news understands that the rules of playing on someone else’s turf are always going to be changing. Mastering content marketing means providing actual value and creating real conversations that hold up even when algorithms and platforms change. Content marketing is the heart of connecting people to solutions they need.

Q: What does it take to connect with customers today—and how can great content do that?
A: Authenticity and vulnerability are, in my opinion, the key components of creating customer connection. Just as real connection has been achieved again and again in the course of history through great books, content is a natural extension of being able to reach customers and start meaningful conversations and, ultimately, connections.

Q: If there was just one thing you could convince all content marketers to do, what would that be?
A: Walk through reports with clients at least once a quarter and listen for the language they use. Then use their words to improve the capability of your reports to tell the story on their own, by using the words your clients use in place of all the technical jargon.

Find out more about Brandy and catch her insights during her session, Create Analytics Reports that Mere Mortals Can Read, Understand & Use (Intro to Google Data Studio) May 4, 1:15pm – 1:55pm.