Convert is a testing platform that allows you to set up unlimited experiments using three different testing types on your website.

Test choices include the standard A/B test, which compares two or more different versions of a page against the original; the split-URL experiment, which compares results from two different pages you have already created; and multivariate experiments, which allow you to test two or more different items on a page against each other to find the most effective combination of elements.

The A/B testing feature is the platform’s highlight, and it lets clients test website changes in real time to see how the changes affect performance and eventual conversion rates.

The platform is used by a notable array of some of the world’s largest corporations and organizations, including Sony, Kmart and UNICEF.

Convert can also easily be integrated into a variety of different services that clients may already be using, including Bitium, CallRail, Drupal, CallFire, Google Analytics and others.



Ease-of-use tops Convert’s benefits list. Very little information technology involvement is necessary, as you need only install a single snippet of JavaScript code on your site to get the platform up and running.

A visual editor tool pops up, guiding you through the process of setting up and launching your testing experiments. Convert also lets you measure many different factors, all of which go into determining the ultimate performance of a finished site. You can set up an unlimited number of performance-related goals, for example, and then test each one to measure the individual impact it’s having on the site.

You’ll receive insights on JavaScript events, clicks, mouse-overs and other behaviors, allowing you to see how certain changes are affecting website interaction.



Perhaps the only major limitation of Convert is the fact that it is only an A/B and multivariate testing platform and offers little else in the way of functionality.

Other platforms that provide the same levels of reporting and testing capabilities as Convert also provide additional functionalities that help ensure users get everything they need from a single platform.

Although Convert does not come with additional functions, it does come with the ability to integrate with a wide range of services.

As long as you’re willing to integrate Convert into your existing infrastructure and aren’t looking for a be-all, end-all optimization platform, the service can be a handy one.