Getting your content in front of readers’ eyes requires more skills than Iron Man has gadgets.

Seu content distribution has to keep up with the masses, as well as the latest and greatest technologies.

Speaking of Iron Man, we weren’t actually able to sit down with Tony Stark but if we were, we imagine below are the best marketing resources for distributing content he would note:

Pay an Expert to Do It For You

Just A Rather Very Intelligent System or JARVIS is the go-to techie in Tony’s lab. This computerized system handles the heavy data, and that’s exactly what you want, someone to do the distribution for you.

It makes life of a marketer a lot less stressful. Fortunately, there are some superheroes in the content distribution network that will make this happen for you. Check out these content distribution tools:

  • Medium is a place where you can syndicate content without it looking cheap or spammy. Medium is like the Pinterest of written verbiage. There’s even a built-in social community where devout Medium fans read and share and promote liked content. They’ll also comment on it, too, which is so powerful for understanding how content is perceived.
  • Outbrain gets your content onto media networks with superhero strength. Want your article to find its way to CNN or Mashable, or maybe even Fox News? Well, here you go. Outbrain lets you submit links for your content, which then appear as suggestions for the biggest content publishing sites on the internet. If your content is as snazzy as you think it is, then you may be able to reach a viral stage a lot faster.
  • puts your content in front of like-minded marketers. Why is this a good idea? If you want your content to become known for thought leadership, and to be used as resources hyperlinked in other marketers’ content, then you’ll be all over Inbound like Iron Man on Pepper Potts.


Iron Man, ok, Tony would add that 60 percent of your competitors are creating at least one new piece of content daily, according to his top influencer guru Neil Patel.

This means you’ve got to keep the content coming when you start to distribute it.

Just like with novel writers, the more content you have out there, the more chances your readers will stumble upon it. However, that content can’t be a crap shoot. It’s got to have substance and be worthwhile.

If you want tips on how to create content that even Iron Man would want to read, we’ve got you covered.

During Content Marketing Conference 2017 you’ll also pick up tons of tools to help you effectively distribute your marketing message.

Shoot, we bet even Tony would be jealous of all those gadgets in your arsenal.

Photo credit Pixabay