With the number of available tickets to CMC dwindling dangerously low, one thing we carefully noted was the diversity of agencies, higher ed institutions, and Fortune 1000’s/100’s that will be in attendance this year from every corner of the globe.


Let’s meet Briana from The Home Shopping Network: 

My name is Briana, but I go by Bri! I graduated from the University of Florida May 2015 with a degree in Journalism, and specializations in digital publishing and social media.

I currently work at HSN (The Home Shopping Network) in St. Petersburg, Florida as their digital marketing specialist.

I manage the business’ editorial calendar for online content that is featured on HSN.com and our social media channels, as well as our external blogger program.

I work with a variety of teams to execute external ad marketing campaigns and special projects as well.

I’ve also managed my own personal blog for the last 4 years creating content in the fashion, travel and lifestyle categories.


What prompted you to register for CMC?

As a business in a competitive market, we’re always looking for fresh ways to serve up our content to stay one step ahead.

When working in retail, it can sometimes be difficult to blend sales and lifestyle together, but since I’ve joined the team, I feel that we are making significant progress.

Now, as more eyes are on our team within the business, we’re looking to make things even stronger. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to gain valuable insight during this conference to circle back and start new initiatives for HSN.


How did you convince your boss?

Believe it or not, my boss is the one that presented the opportunity to me! So you can assume that there wasn’t too much persuasion needed in this case :)


What speaker and session(s) are you most looking forward to?

At the moment, it’s hard to pick just one. As someone who would benefit from this conference on a professional and personal level, I’m most looking forward to hearing all different sides from different executives in my lane.


What is your major 2017 marketing goal(s)?

At this exact moment, my major 2017 goal is to not only augment our current content marketing strategy, but also to double it in size. Though this may be a large goal for a one-person team, I’m going to give it my all.


What is one thing you’d like to know about Boston before heading here in April (food, drink, must-sees)

At this exact moment, my major 2017 goal is to not only augment our current content marketing strategy, but also to double it in size. Though this may be a large goal for a one-person team, I’m going to give it my all.


What has been your favorite conference to date and why?

This will actually be my first work conference I’ve attended!


If you could give one piece of advice to a speaker, a sponsor, and a conference host, what was they be?

My one piece of advice would be to always show the real applications of what you’re explaining. As someone who is very visual, it’s extremely helpful to hear and SEE just what it is that they’re showcasing for us to try.

And on a more basic level, always have a deliverable that’s available even for those that couldn’t make your session. Considering there are many options given at the same time, those that are attending another should be able to access the information that you shared as well.


What’s your top conference networking tip?

Always carry business cards!


Thank you Briana, I hope you enjoy the list of restaurants we sent along (for everyone else, we will be posting a comprehensive list of favorites for every palate/dietary restriction very soon!)

We look forward to seeing Briana, e you in April! So get registered for the conferencereserve your hotel room, and we will see you at the Seaport!