Announcing CMC16 workshops with Josh Bernoff and Arnie Kuenn

Do you ever feel like you’re working in a silo? Many marketers work alone or with a small team, without other marketing brains in-house to bounce ideas off.

You do your best to stay informed and up-to-date – subscribe to relevant newsletters, read blogs, follow influencers, and keep up with your network.

But even though you’re doing all the right things, it can be challenging to know what tactic to choose, technique to adopt, or best practices to use, never mind which new social media channel to master.

There’s nothing better than having face time with a peer or, even better, an expert.

Conferences, workshops and seminars offer a way out of the marketing silo. Attending is an efficient way to find out what’s hot and share tips with like-minded pros.

That’s why we are offering four in-depth workshops at Content Marketing Conference (CMC) 2016. These workshops will give you the chance to dig into the most important content marketing topics – side by side with your fellow marketers. Hands-on training and group work allow you to share your experience and learn how to apply tools and tactics in a concrete way.


At Content Marketing Conference workshops you will:

  • Learn from top industry leaders
  • Brush up your skills or gain a new skill-set
  • Enjoy a personal learning environment in a small group setting
  • Explore current tactics with more depth, hands-on education
  • Advance your career with innovative and creative ideas

CMC16 attendees with a full-access pass can select two four-hour workshops to participate in. Here’s an overview of the first two:

Workshop 1: Content Marketing Intensified

How to Leverage Content Marketing to Grow Your Business

One of the challenges facing content marketers is learning how to create and execute strategy. In the Content Marketing Intensified workshop with Arnie Kuenn, you’ll build the foundation you need to grow your business organically – the content marketing way.

Learn the proven eight-step process that defines how to successfully leverage content marketing to generate more traffic, more leads and more business. Review a sample content plan showing how professionals map out strategy and performance goals. Dive into case studies for small businesses, large corporations and agency in multiple industries.

And yes, you will be tested with an online review that’s required to receive your Content Marketing Certification.

In this workshop you will:

  • Explore ways to plan your content by asking the right questions before you get started
  • Get schooled on the types of formats available to you
  • Understand the promotional landscape today
  • Learn how automation and email nurturing works
  • Discover hundreds of ways to come up with topic ideas
  • Learn how to optimize your content to increase visibility
  • Get acquainted with the tools to use to understand your successes and failures

Attendees will receive a workbook, copy of Content Marketing Works and a Certificate of Completion.

About the Instructor

Arnie Kuenn
CEO, Vertical Measures
Author, Content Marketing Works and Accelerate

Arnie Kuenn is the CEO of Vertical Measures, a search, social and content marketing company helping clients get more traffic, more leads, and more business. Arnie is a frequent speaker, author of two books, and instructor for the Online Marketing Institute and the Content Marketing Institute. (Follow Arnie on Twitter)

Workshop 2: Writing Without Bullshit

How to Create Meaning and Action with Bold, Powerful Writing

Another common challenge for content marketers is producing high-quality, effective communications. At the same time, competition for consumers’ attention is at an all-time high. The average reader now spends only 20 seconds viewing a news article.

In the Writing Without Bullshit workshop with Josh Bernoff you’ll learn how to punch through the noise with short, front-loaded, powerful writing that makes a direct connection with customers. You’ll find ways to maximize the meaning ratio, the proportion of meaningful words in any communication, and you’ll learn the habits that make powerful writers effective.

Get the skills you need to:

  • Treat the reader’s time as more valuable than your own
  • Write short, powerful and effective copy
  • Revise your writing for a world of small screens, new formats, and multi-tasking readers
  • Plan well and use your time more efficiently

Attendees will receive our data-driven report and an advance copy of Escrevendo sem bobagens.

About the Instructor

Josh Bernoff
Chief Troublemaker at WOBS LLC
Author, Writing Without Bullshit and Groundswell

The creator of the popular site, Josh Bernoff has been a professional writer since 1982. Co-author of three books on business strategy including Groundswell, he’s passionate about clear, brief, fascinating communication. For 20 years at Forrester Research, he wrote and edited reports on the future of technology. As Senior Vice President, Idea Development, he identified, developed, and promoted Forrester’s most powerful and influential ideas. He’s delivered hundreds of speeches around the world and has advised clients from the world’s largest companies and tech vendors. He also created Technographics, the segmentation that launched Forrester’s highly successful consumer survey business. (Follow Josh on Twitter)

Get Out Of The Silo at CMC16

These workshops are a great opportunity to meet with other marketing pros face-to-face and discuss the trends, tools, and tactics that are important right now. You can explore these topics and more at Content Marketing Conference. Register today for CMC16 with an all-access pass and attend one or both of these interactive workshops. And stay tuned for a look at our next two workshops!

Byron White is one of the original content marketing revolutionaries, Chair of Content Marketing Conference, author of “The Content Marketing Roadmap” and “103 Content Marketing Tools”, and Founder of 5 successful startups including WriterAccess.