Tim Ash

CEO & Founder, Site Tuners

Tim Ash

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Tim Ash is the author of two bestselling books on Otimização de landing page, and CEO of SiteTuners, a strategic conversion rate optimization agency with offices in San Diego, and Tampa. He has developed deep expertise in user-centered design, neuromarketing, understanding online behavior, and split testing.

Over the past 20 years, Tim has helped a number of major US and international brands to develop successful web-based initiatives. Sears, Google, Expedia, eHarmony, Facebook, American Express, Canon, Nestle, Symantec, Intuit, Autodesk, Yahoo! and many others have benefited from Tim’s deep understanding and innovative perspective.

Tim is a highly-regarded online marketing keynote speaker and presenter at industry conferences worldwide including DreamForce, Inbound, Internet Retailer, Affiliate Summit, Shop.org, PubCon, SMX, and countless others. He is the founder and chairperson of the international Digital Growth Unleashed event series (formerly Conversion Conference) and a frequent contributor to print and online publications. Tim has been mentioned by Forbes as a Top-10 Online Marketing Expert, and by Entrepreneur Magazine as an Online Marketing Influencer To Watch.


Workshop Name: Conversion Rate Optimization Masterclass

Workshop Date & Time: May 2, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Description: How much money are you losing with poorly performing websites and landing pages? Changes in website efficiency can dramatically improve the profitability of your online marketing programs. This fast-paced and practical hands-on training will provide you with a crash course in conversion rate optimization (CRO).


Session Name: The Four Pillars of Building Trust and Driving Performance Online

Session Date & Time: May 4, 10:20am – 11:00am

Description: Websites and landing pages have very real trust issues – they create anxiety and uncertainty for many visitors. Before people will act or transact, these concerns must be alleviated and overcome. But how can you do this online when you only have seconds to establish trust? In this provocative session, SiteTuners CEO and bestselling author of Landing Page Optimization Tim Ash, will show you how to effectively use the Four Pillars of Trust and smooth the way to your online conversion goals. Learn via vivid examples how appearance, authority, social proof, and transactional assurances can skyrocket your landing page effectiveness.