Neal Schaffer

President, PDCA Social

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Neal Schaffer é uma autoridade líder em ajudar empresas em sua transformação digital por meio de consultoria, treinamento e ajudar empresas grandes e pequenas a executar estratégias de marketing de mídia social, marketing de influenciadores e iniciativas de vendas sociais. Presidente da agência de mídia social PDCA Social, Neal também ensina mídia digital para executivos da Rutgers University, do Irish Management Institute (Irlanda) e da University of Jyvaskyla (Finlândia). Fluente em japonês e chinês mandarim, Neal é um palestrante popular e foi convidado a falar sobre mídia digital em quatro continentes em uma dúzia de países. Ele também é autor de 3 livros sobre mídias sociais, incluindo Maximize Your Social (Wiley), e em 2018 publicará seu 4º livro, The Business of Influence, sobre como educar o mercado sobre como qualquer negócio pode alavancar o potencial do marketing de influenciadores. Neal reside em Irvine, Califórnia, mas também viaja frequentemente para o Japão.


Panel Name: What’s in Your MarTech Stack?

Panel Date & Time: May 4, 11:50am – 12:30pm

Description: Join Neal Schaffer and three panelists that’ll review and discuss the the MarTech Stack used by the pros on the panel to create the type of content that moves big mountains with small budgets, saving tons of time and expense along the way. After a quick review of each panelists stack, we’ll open up the Mic for any and all to ask questions.

Session Name: How to Amplify Your Content Marketing with Influencers

Session Date & Time: May 4, 1:15pm – 1:55pm

Description: Influencer marketing has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. Is your brand riding the influencer wave that’s quickly delivering big ROI from the right spend with the right people and campaigns? That’s where Neal Schaffer comes in, author of the upcoming book The Business of Influence that promises to be the ultimate guide to influencer marketing. He’ll help amplify your company’s efforts by tapping into the influencer marketing channels to meet your objectives for engaging customers in mysterious and methodical ways.

Who should attend? Experienced influencer marketers or newbies to the game, everyone will learn the latest and greatest strategies, including:

— Choosing the right type of influencer marketing campaign
— How to identify, approach and select the best influencers
— How to motivate influencers, align goals and mitigate tension
— How to measure the ROI of your influencer marketing efforts