Lee Odden

CEO, TopRank Marketing

Lee Odden


Lee é estrategista de marketing, autor, palestrante e CEO da TopRank Marketing, uma agência de marketing digital que atende algumas das principais marcas do mundo com consultoria de conteúdo, pesquisa, mídia social e marketing de influenciadores. Citado pelo The Wall Street Journal, The Economist e Forbes por sua experiência em marketing, Lee evangelizou uma abordagem integrada de marketing e relações públicas em quase 200 eventos de palestras em 16 países diferentes e por meio de um blog premiado no toprankblog.com.


Session Name: As chaves para programas B2B de conteúdo e influência bem-sucedidos

Session Date & Time: May 3, 2:20pm-3:00pm

Description: While only 11% of B2B companies are implementing ongoing influencer marketing programs, 55% of marketers plan to spend more on influencer marketing in the coming year. Even with growing budget commitments, many B2B brands are not entirely sure about how to execute influencer marketing. Fortunately, brands with mature influencer marketing programs like SAP are elevating the practice.

Join Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Marketing and Amisha Gandhi, Head of Influencer Marketing at SAP, who will share strategies and best practices that can unlock success for an Enterprise B2B content and influencer marketing program.

Attend this session to learn…
– The opportunities to scale quality content with B2B influencers
– How SAP has been able to scale influence to impact results
– What to avoid and what to plan for to scale influencer content