Do you know what’s seriously funny? Content marketing.

No, really, comedy is one of the hottest trends in content marketing today because it returns some serious profits. All the successful marketers are doing it. If you are like many marketers, you want to improve sales through humor but are a bit reluctant. Maybe you are afraid of crossing some sort of line or perhaps you work in an industry that’s notoriously stuffy. Or maybe you just aren’t that funny.

The good news is that you can learn how to infuse comedy into your organization’s marketing to improve its bottom line, even if you do work in an uptight industry or if you are about as funny as a piece of wet lint.

If you want to lighten up your brand’s image and boost sales, check out Comedy Marketing Day at this year’s Content Marketing Conference in Boston. While each day of the conference features a ton of incredible keynotes, workshops, sessions and opportunities to network with the world’s leading marketing professionals, Friday will teach marketers how to laugh their way to the bank.

Learn how to Laugh Your Way to the Bank on Comedy Marketing Day

Comedy Marketing Day kicks off with the world’s first and foremost Humor Engineer, Andrew Tarvin, who believes that humor is a skill anyone can learn. In this first session, The Art, Science, and Comedic Secrets to Cranking Out Great Content, Tarvin discusses the foundation for most humor and reveals how to make to content funnier in a way that wins more clicks, beefs up engagement and is a whole lot more fun than drab traditional marketing.

Andrew Tarvin covers the step-by-step process of adding humor to content, reveals five common humor devices anyone can use, and teaches attendees how to start using humor in the workplace when they show up on Monday morning.

Next, Josh Bernoff talks embracing the culture of clean writing in his session, Escrevendo sem bobagens. In this session, Bernoff describes how 81 percent of professionals who write say that poorly written material wastes their valuable time, and helps attendees write clean content without all the bull dookie.

Rachael Kay Albers follows with Funny Website, Unforgettable Brand: How to Build Humor into Your Web Design & Copy, in which she outlines the best and worst places any industry can infuse humor into their web design to create connections and strengthen customer loyalty. She will also discuss three easy-to-implement tricks for creating funny website copy that actually makes customers take the brand seriously. Albers also covers ways to make over a website quickly using six types of humor.

David Nihill brings the wisdom of his bestselling book “Do You Talk Funny?” to the Comedy Marketing Day party. During his sessions, Nihill talks about using humor to grab and hold an audience’s attention. He also helps attendees discover ways to make a message “stickier” and more persuasive.

Do you dream of creating that one magic meme or bodacious blog post that goes viral? Of course you do, we all do! During the session, How to Successfully Build Humor into Your Brand, Sarah Cooper gives attendees the keys to building a brand’s presence, “shareability” and marketing traction through humor. Cooper is creator of and host of the podcast Unprofessional. Sarah shares specific strategies for finding the humor in any topic, and for creating visual content that actually gets shared. Cooper keeps her audiences laughing with hilarious examples while providing important key takeaways that can boost the shares, likes and bottom line of nearly any business.

Norm Laviolette takes the stage to share some of his most effective improve tips for making marketing campaigns fresh and funny. Laviolette co-founded Boston’s famous Improv Asylum, which started out as an unknown improve troupe and evolved into a multi-million dollar business that entertains and trains people across the globe.

Comedy Marketing Day gets risky with Visual Content and Digital Marketing Specialist, Nadya Khoja, who runs Drunk Entrepreneurs. Featured in Forbes, CBC News, Huffington Post, Mashable and Entrepreneur, Khoja is the Head of Marketing for Venngage, an online company that makes infographics and posters.

Khoja’s keynote offers five proven but unconventional and somewhat risky strategies that builds followers, captures attention from the press and gains industry recognition – all with only a minimal risk of being sued. But hey, life’s too short to suffer through boring marketing, so take a chance and join the influencer community!

Tim Washer will be at CMC’s Comedy Marketing Day too. Washer is like the “everywhere comedian.” After graduating with an MBA from McCombs at UT Austin, majoring in PowerPoint, Tim studied improve under Amy Poehler and comedy writing with Tom Purcell from The Colbert Report. He’s appeared on a number of shows, including SNL, Conan O’Brien and HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. He’s also emceed events featuring some big names, such as Emmy-Winner Tony Hale from the shows Arrested Development and VEEP, Pixar CEO John Lasseter, and even funnyman and Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu.  He also helped create Laugh Boston, a gorgeous state-of-the-art comedy club and special events venue.

If you want to boost your organization’s bottom line through humor, reserve a spot at Comedy Marketing Day during this year’s Content Marketing Conference in Boston, April 16 through April 19, 2019. Register Now!


Lynn H has been a professional writer, providing exceptional content online and offline, for nearly 20 years. In that time, she has penned thousands of articles for doctors, universities, researchers, small businesses, nursing organizations, sole proprietors and more. She writes everything from blogs to white papers; her specialty is putting complex scientific concepts in simple terms. She specializes in medical writing, creating informative and engaging content for professionals in medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, medical manufacturing, chiropractics, optometry, emergency care, plastic surgery and others.