For the last five years, the Content Marketing Conference has been seen as an unparalleled learning opportunity that lets marketers in nearly every vertical you can think of take full advantage of everything this 21st century revolution has to offer.

The 2019 conference, taking place from April 16 to 19 at the Boston Westin Waterfront, is shaping up to be no exception. In fact, it may just be the biggest one yet. If you’ve got no problem creating that incredible content but still aren’t sure how to handle the distribution side of the conversation, there are not one but FIVE sessions devoted entirely to that topic that you’re absolutely going to want to sit up and pay attention to.

Facebook The Latest Updates with Paid Amplification

Facebook is still one of the most powerful distribution channels in existence, but it’s also in a constant state of flux which means that if you don’t know how to lean into and take advantage of their latest updates, you just might find yourself getting crushed by them.

Learn everything you need to know to stay ahead of the game from Dennis Yu, Chief Executive Officer at BlitzMetrics. He’s managed more than a billion dollars in online ads and it’s safe to say that if there’s anyone who knows how to put the Facebook algorithm to work for YOUR brand, it’s him.

LinkedIn The Latest Updates and Hacks Paid and Organic

One of the major pain points of any LinkedIn marketer always comes down to how their costs seem to do nothing but increase over time. AJ Wilcox (LinkedIn Advertising Consultant) wants to put a stop to that for all time, giving you all the tips you need to ace your strategy before you fall into the pay to play trap that so many others are a part of. He’ll give you hacks to save money and pinpoint qualified leads, AND he’ll teach you how to recognize those campaigns that don’t convert so you can opt out as soon as possible.

Twitter: estratégias avançadas de otimização

Twitter has long since proven itself to be a way for brands to generate raw value by tapping into one of the largest audiences on the Internet… IF they know how to take advantage of the site’s algorithm instead of get burned by it, that is. Join Chris Silver Smith (Founder of Argent Media) as he teaches you how to not only use Twitter to your advantage, but how to also allow Twitter to inform your larger SEO campaigns. You’ll dive deep into the relationship between Twitter and Google and by the end, you’ll come to a better understanding of how to use one to empower the other and vice versa.

Instagram: truques para profissionais de marketing e dicas para atrair influenciadores

As a distribution channel, Instagram is one of the most powerful opportunities you have access to these days particularly if influencer marketing is a top priority for you (hint: it should be). Join an incredible panel of experts including Jen Morilla (Founder of The Social Girl Traveler), Candace Armour (Founder of Candace Junee Consulting) and Neal Schaffer (President of PDCA Social) as they dive deep into what you can do on Instagram and, more critically, who you should be doing it WITH.

Generating Targeted Traffic with YouTube Ads

Every day, people are uploading more video content to YouTube than that which is generated by all of the major television networks COMBINED. But a lot of people fail to realize that it IS possible to generate real, targeted traffic on the platform WITHOUT spending a small fortune as well. In this session that you won’t want to miss, Marlon Doll (Founder of Vireo Video) will teach you how to setup YouTube Ads campaigns in minutes, optimize the campaign for your targeted audience and watch that return on investment roll in, all in a way that is easier than you probably ever thought possible.

By now, we know what you’re thinking: with incredible distribution channel sessions like these, I NEED to attend this year’s Content Marketing Conference! But once you realize that we also have dozens of sessions devoted to content planning, strategy, optimization, intelligence and even comedy (yes, comedy!), it’s easy to see why this is one event that you are not in a position to miss.

If you’d like to find out more information, or if you’d like to book your tickets today, please don’t hesitate to head right over to the Content Marketing Conference website to get started.


Stephen L earned his Bachelor of Arts in Film and Video Production at the University Of Toledo College Of Performing Arts in Toledo, Ohio. In addition, he also worked for a big box electronic retailer for three years specializing in high definition audio and video equipment as well as computers and software. He has created almost ten thousand pieces of SEO-driven content for various online clients on topics ranging from the entertainment industry, electronics, computer operating systems and general technology.