It’s time to take your content creation to the next level. Today’s attention spans are shorter than ever, and the type of content that appeals to the next generation of readers might not be what you think. You’ve got to get inside their heads and know how to hook them and reel them in. Only then will your content perform the way you want it to.

To help you get there, we’ve put together some amazing talks with the most knowledgeable speakers in the industry. Here’s what we have in store for you at the Content Creation II track.

Storytelling: How to Transform Your Brand, Stop Screaming into the Void, and Make People Love You

Today’s online audience has a short attention span, but a demand for quality. How do you successfully deliver both? You must publish content that tells stories, and those stories have to connect with your audience.

The good news is that the art of storytelling has been getting the point across to others ever since caveman days, and it is still one of the best connecting tools available to us. In this session, you will learn some truly innovative content strategies that can help you make the stories that grab the attention of your audience and power your brand.

Your speaker for this session is none other than Contently’s own Joe Lazauskas, where he is the director of Content Strategy. This is a guy you will want to listen to, as he knows what’s up. He’s a writer who continues to write, and he’s won awards. He even wrote a book on how to give your business an edge via good storytelling, so you can expect epic-level actionable information at this gold-star session. Don’t miss it.

InstaBrain: entre nas mentes dos clientes das gerações Y e Z

Millennial culture got you down? Get over it. You’ve got to speak their language, or your business is kaput. For that matter, you also need to understand and use the language of the generation after them–the aptly named Generation Z (aka Pivotal Generation). Both of these groups have a huge place in American culture right now, as well as lots of discretionary income that they are willing to spend.

If you’re not a native to either of these generations, it can seem like they are speaking a foreign language. Don’t despair. You can learn it, and it’s easier than you think. In this session, you will learn the difference in how Millennials and Pivotals communicate, how they want to find information, and how they prefer to interact with businesses like yours. With this information in hand, you can create better, more effective campaign strategies and marketing blitzes.

Your guide on this adventure is Sarah Weise, founder and CEO of BIXA. This is a pretty impressive thing for any resume, as BIXA is a market research studio that specializes in obtaining those customer insights you crave. The company also works with some of the most innovativ brands in the world. Sarah speaks worldwide on the topic of getting to know your customers (from all generations), so she’s the go-to expert on the subject. If you want to connect with today’s youth market, Sarah will show you how to do it.

Humor: The Art, Science, and Comedic Secrets to Cranking Out Great Content

Everyone loves humor. How many times have you purchased something just because the ad for it made you laugh? Probably more times than you know. Humor is a common language we all speak, and it sells. People love things that make them happy.

Obviously, adding humor to your content creation is something you should be doing. But, how do you do it without seeming like you’re trying too hard? Like most things, humor is a skill. You can learn it. No, really. You will learn how to use it at this session, and can put humor to work for you the moment leave the session. We promise. Hey, would we lie to you?

Leading this innovative session will be Mr. Andrew Tarvin, the world’s very first Humor Engineer. Believe it or not, that’s actually a thing. Andrew is an expert on teaching people to get better results from their content while having a blast. His company, Humor That Works, assists some of the best known businesses and groups in the world on being funnier and having more fun. Who doesn’t want to have more fun at work, while being less stressed and happier? Andrew is going to show you how.


Stephanie V WriterAccess

Stephanie V has been a professional writer for more than 15 years. During this time, she has written for online and print magazines, newspapers, business blogs, and retail websites. She has also written content for many professional newsletters, white papers, promotional books, and email advertising campaigns for a variety of companies all over the world.